發表時間 | 文章標題 | 人氣 | 留言 |
2023-05-14 | 桃園非犬貓動物醫院-逗號動物醫院小鳥玄鳳看診經驗分享 | (18) | (0) |
2017-01-18 | [2017韓國5天4夜滑雪自由行]重點整理 | (294) | (0) |
2014-07-05 | 給要去澳洲打工的人的一封信 To whom decide to go to Australia for Working Holidays | (67) | (0) |
2014-06-22 | 澳洲求生Q&A The questions before I go to Australia. | (139) | (0) |
2014-04-14 | 墨爾本住宿經驗分享 Accommodation expirence of Melbourne. | (6) | (0) |
2014-02-02 | 澳洲的超市介紹及超市必買物品:) The supermarket in Australia n the stuff must be bought | (25715) | (2) |
2013-08-21 | 2013 第一次報e-tax失敗改為紙本報稅T____T (含medicare levy excemption申請) | (5770) | (2) |
2013-08-20 | Bad experience about repairing car in Gxxdyear, Erina 很不好的修車經驗+ 誠心推薦墨爾本Clayton的台灣人修車廠 | (1630) | (0) |
2013-08-05 | 7/29~8/4墨爾本遊記 | (243) | (0) |
2013-07-22 | 利用Photocap製作自己的明信片:) Use software Photocap to make the postcard by yourself. | (1099) | (0) |